Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mortgage - shopping online for loans

Peter Carroll, Director for mortgage markets acting Assistant to the newly formed financial Protection Office of consumer, suggests that borrowers begin the process by reading the small print of each site they choose to work with. "Understanding the conditions of use and the privacy policy," said Mr. Carroll.

If you are shopping at rates of loan on websites such as or LendingTree, also make sure to read the "frequently asked questions" section, say industry experts - and also recognize that these sites are companies that make money by working with lenders, via a form of pay-per-click or lead generation.

If you provide personal information, including your credit score, learn how widely that the material will be distributed. As said Mr. Carroll, "Understand that many lenders may be with you."

Zillow mortgage market, the average number of citations rates receive clients is 20, while to LendingTree, 3 to 5, according to the two companies.

Most of the sites rates and other information only lenders that are signed their customers. The only exception is, offering a table that includes ready customers and five more banks and other lenders in some 600 local or metropolitan areas.

The mortgage market has become more in most popular for borrowers research on loan rates and options. Some 1,200 mortgage Web sites are followed by Experian Hitwise, and the best sites of seven attracted a total over of 22 million home visits in April, 24 per cent from a year earlier and 74 per cent since April 2010. The number is expected to increase with use more offshore of smartphones and other devices.

Doug Lebda, the Chief Executive and founder of, noted that, for the past three years, the difference between the highest and the lowest rate available was "made Beaver than ever in recent history," do compare even more important. But he also noted that the advertised rates are "indicative rate but they are certainly not offer."

Mr. Lebda suggested that borrowers consider also fresh fresh mortgage opening and closing.

As they navigate sites online mortgage loans, borrowers will have to find criteria of the corresponding sites to their with lenders, and lenders may pay higher investment. This is where read the small print may come.

"Make sure that you feel that you are in control," said Erin Lantz, Director of the Zillow mortgage market. In this way you can give your personal information to the lender of your choice.

And if a credit report is pulled by the lenders, said Mr. Carroll, do know "what rights have for that information and assess the loan application?"

Borrowers will also want to learn more about the control of the quality of the sites they visit., for example, has a Department of quality control of the 40-person who investigates complaints of consumers and what is called "mystery shop" on different sites. LendingTree, said it is based in part on the ratings and consumer reviews, as is Zillow mortgage market. He has over 10,000 reviews to date, Ms. Lantz said, adding that the reviews are also examined to ensure that they are not all lenders.

Mortgage shopping sites is often announce they are comparisons easier and faster for borrowers, but they can be counterproductive, Sue Berkowitz, Director of the South Carolina Appleseed legal Justice Center, which advocates greater disclosure by these companies. "It should be much time and made with analysis."

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Hypothèques - endettement étudiant

Outstanding student loan a total over $ 1 trillion, now, have the report published the month last by the Bureau of financial Protection to consumers. Which exceeds the amount belonging to all the United States credit cards.

Student loan has become a problem in the race for the Presidency, with the President Obama and Mitt Romney, the candidate of the Republican party, support the efforts to extend grants all ready to expire in July.

Last year alone, the students took 117 billion of federal loans. And it is not surprising: the College Board, the average annual cost of tuition outside, room and Board in a public institution is $29 657; It is a private non-profit, $38 589.

"Some student loans payments are high as a mortgage," said Curry mild-Kostoplis, an assistant vice President of the Jersey Mortgage Corporation in Parsippany. She noted that a client who had for monthly payments of loans for a total of $2,800 chose to work as a prison psychologist to be eligible for a program of forgiveness of federal student loans offered to those who undertake community service work after the graduation.

Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis and other industry experts say that many buyers of the first time refuses for mortgages because their debt to education significantly raises their overall level of debt. Most lenders follow underwriting guidelines that limit the total debt - the mortgage payments and property taxes, more cards credit, car loans, student loans and other debts - 45 to 50 per cent of the gross income adjusted to a borrower.

Assuming that the mortgage and taxes consumes up to 33 to 35 per cent, which means that more credit card bills, student loan payments, can take account for step more than 10% or more of gross income, said Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis. Which is equal to $833 per month for a person making $100,000 per year.

To reduce the monthly payments of the loan, borrowers can restructure or consolidate student loans. Says Mark Kantrowitz, the founder of, which provides advice on student loans and scholarships, some students choose to extend the term of the loans.

Clusters of loan can be made through the provider Sallie Mae student loan and could net interest rates as low as 3% and a duration of 25 years, said David Boone, senior vice President of Bank Provident in Jersey City, New Jersey

Before embarking for home, Mr. Boone strongly recommends that paying off debt of studies and to refrain from taking any more debt, like buying a car. Borrowers must also ensure that their student loan payments are made in a timely manner. A loan may be declared delinquent if payments were 30 days or later, said Heather Jarvis, a lawyer from Wilmington, NC, that provides training of the debt of students and advice to people in the high-debt.

Mrs. Jarvis, who is a graduate of the school of law $ 125,000 of student debt, also note that there is no time limitation on the collection of student loan past-due payments and says she knows people who have suffered with their pay social security checks.

Conversely, she added, the repayment of student loans on time and in all also would improve the borrower credit rating, a.

Another way to reduce the debt of studies is to contribute family of the borrower, if this comes with risks.

For example, has said Mr. Kantrowitz, parents or grandparents might accept a real estate loan and use the proceeds to pay the balance of the student loan. The borrower would then repay the mortgage, either the mother or the lender directly. Real estate loans have usually interest rates lower that the student loans, because the debt is guaranteed, has said, adding that if the rate is at least two percentage points below the rate of student loan, it may be useful to make the switch.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: 6 may 2012

Column of mortgages last Sunday, on the characterization of a loan mortgage everything to still reimburse student debt, not the policy of Sallie Mae, a provider of student loans, consolidation loans. It provides loans to current students who need to complete funding of the Federal Government, but it does not consolidation loans.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

MORTGAGES; Dealing With Student Debt

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

FOR many recent college graduates, the dream of owning a home may have to be postponed awhile as they first grapple with repaying mounds of education loans.

Outstanding student loan debt now totals over $1 trillion, according to a report last month from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That surpasses the amount owned on all credit cards in the United States.

Student debt has become an issue in the presidential race, with both President Obama and Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee, supporting efforts to extend loan subsidies set to expire in July.

Last year alone, students took out $117 billion just in federal loans. And it's no wonder: According to the College Board, the average annual cost of out-of-state tuition, room and board at a public institution is $29,657; at a private nonprofit, it is $38,589.

''Some student loan payments are as high as a mortgage,'' said Cari Sweet-Kostoplis, an assistant vice president of the Jersey Mortgage Corporation in Parsippany. She noted that one client who had monthly loan payments totaling $2,800 opted to work as a prison psychologist to qualify for a federal student loan forgiveness program offered to those who undertake community service work after graduation.

Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis and other industry experts say that many first-time buyers get turned down for mortgages because their student loan debt significantly raises their overall debt level. Most lenders follow underwriting guidelines that limit total debt payments -- for the mortgage and property taxes, plus credit cards, student loans, car loans and other debts -- to 45 to 50 percent of a borrower's adjusted gross income.

Assuming the mortgage and taxes will eat up 33 to 35 percent, that means student loan payments, plus credit card bills, can account for no more than 10 percent or so of gross income, Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis said. That equals $833 a month for someone who makes $100,000 a year.

To lower monthly loan payments, borrowers can restructure or consolidate student loans. Mark Kantrowitz, the founder of, which offers advice on student loans and scholarships, says some students choose to extend the length of the loans.

Loan consolidations may be done through the student loan provider Sallie Mae, and could net an interest rate as low as 3 percent and a term of up to 25 years, said David Boone, a first vice president of Provident Bank in Jersey City, N.J.

Before embarking on a home search, Mr. Boone recommends aggressively paying off student loan debt and refraining from taking on any more big debts, like buying a car. Borrowers should also make sure that their student loan payments are made in a timely manner. A loan would be declared delinquent if payments were 30 days or more late, said Heather Jarvis, a lawyer in Wilmington, N.C., who offers student debt training as well as advice for high-debt individuals.

Ms. Jarvis, who graduated from law school with $125,000 in student debt, also notes that there is no statute of limitations on collection for past-due student loan payments, and says she even knows of people who have had their Social Security checks garnished to repay them.

Conversely, she added, repaying student loans on time and in full would also help improve a borrower's credit score.

Another way to lower student debt is to get the borrower's family involved, though this comes with risks.

For example, Mr. Kantrowitz said, parents or grandparents could agree to take out a home equity loan and use the proceeds to pay off the student loan balances. The borrower would then repay the home equity loan, either to the parent or directly to the lender. Home equity loans usually have lower interest rates than student loans because the debt is secured, he said, adding that if the rate was at least two percentage points below the student loan rate, it could be worthwhile making the switch.


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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mortgage - when new refinancing

On Thursday, according to the weekly Freddie Mac survey, the average rate on a 30-year loan was 3.84%, down from 3.88% the previous week and 4.71% in the same period a year ago. The rate of the loan of 15 years on average to 3.07%, off the coast of 3.12% the previous week and 3.89% last year. A spokesman for Freddie Mac, says rates are the lowest in the history of 41 years of the weekly survey.

Many homeowners opted to refinance last fall and winter, when mortgage rates dipped below 4 percent first, said Guy Cecala, Chief Executive of inside Mortgage Finance, a trade publication. "The people who jumped to 5% also fried on 4%," said.

Mr. Cecala said many borrowers refinancing these days is at least second-timers - there, for its part, made the fall last to reduce his right mortgage three quarters of a percentage point - but he said that he knew of no data tracking this trend.

If you are considering refinancing, financial planners suggest that you address first of all your financial goals - specifically, how long you expect to live in your House.

Some owners decide that it is more logical to stay with their current mortgage, especially if economies are small or they plan to go in a year or two. "There is a problem of refinancing - all this paperwork," said Sheila Walker Hartwell, a financial planner in Manhattan. One of his clients, she noted, has recently decided against refinancing because she was already building equity in his home, that she hoped to use on his next purchase of House.

"When refinance you, you build not fairness," said Ms. Walker Hartwell. "You start at the beginning" of the depreciation tables.

Amortization schedule works like this: in the early years, almost all of the payment goes to interest, so you have most of the loan, is placed to the main.

"It's very important," said Edward Ades, a partner in universal mortgage in Brooklyn. For example, he noted that the first year of a mortgage for 30 years of $300 000 to 4%, a borrower would have paid off the coast of 1.76% of the balance; in the fifth year, which stands at 2.06%.

Those who refinanced in the last year or two have to consider amortization tables, but they do not need to know their position fairness - and when the refinancing will begin to repay.

To calculate that, starting with a reduction of all closing costs, then divide the cost of closing by the amount that you want to save money on each monthly payment. Therefore, if the total cost of closing of $5,000 and your monthly savings of $400, you will be 12.5 months of profitability on the refinancing.

If it say, three years to recover the costs incurred and that you want to move in two years, and then refinancing does not sense, said John j. Vento, a financial planner in Staten Island.

Depending on your lender, you will probably need to have 20% equity and maybe a little more, if you want to pack your closing costs into the new mortgage. Those who are under water - a shortcut to pay more that the House is worth - may take into consideration the home affordable refinance or harp, which is now widely available, noted Mr. Cecala.

Greg McBride, a senior financial analyst for, suggests owners begin with their current lender and asking if they can simplify the process. You may be able to avoid a second evaluation and reporting of title insurance and expenses, he said, adding, "That would save not only the time, but also money."

It also suggests that the borrowers discover of new donors and consider a short term of the loan, "shaving years off the payments" and build faster actions.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mortgages - Dealing With Student Debt

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota
Outstanding student loan debt now totals over $1 trillion, according to a report last month from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That surpasses the amount owned on all credit cards in the United States.

Student debt has become an issue in the presidential race, with both President Obama and Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee, supporting efforts to extend loan subsidies set to expire in July.

Last year alone, students took out $117 billion just in federal loans. And it’s no wonder: According to the College Board, the average annual cost of out-of-state tuition, room and board at a public institution is $29,657; at a private nonprofit, it is $38,589.

“Some student loan payments are as high as a mortgage,” said Cari Sweet-Kostoplis, an assistant vice president of the Jersey Mortgage Corporation in Parsippany. She noted that one client who had monthly loan payments totaling $2,800 opted to work as a prison psychologist to qualify for a federal student loan forgiveness program offered to those who undertake community service work after graduation.

Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis and other industry experts say that many first-time buyers get turned down for mortgages because their student loan debt significantly raises their overall debt level. Most lenders follow underwriting guidelines that limit total debt payments — for the mortgage and property taxes, plus credit cards, student loans, car loans and other debts — to 45 to 50 percent of a borrower’s adjusted gross income.

Assuming the mortgage and taxes will eat up 33 to 35 percent, that means student loan payments, plus credit card bills, can account for no more than 10 percent or so of gross income, Ms. Sweet-Kostoplis said. That equals $833 a month for someone who makes $100,000 a year.

To lower monthly loan payments, borrowers can restructure or consolidate student loans. Mark Kantrowitz, the founder of, which offers advice on student loans and scholarships, says some students choose to extend the length of the loans.

Loan consolidations may be done through the student loan provider Sallie Mae, and could net an interest rate as low as 3 percent and a term of up to 25 years, said David Boone, a first vice president of Provident Bank in Jersey City, N.J.

Before embarking on a home search, Mr. Boone recommends aggressively paying off student loan debt and refraining from taking on any more big debts, like buying a car. Borrowers should also make sure that their student loan payments are made in a timely manner. A loan would be declared delinquent if payments were 30 days or more late, said Heather Jarvis, a lawyer in Wilmington, N.C., who offers student debt training as well as advice for high-debt individuals.

Ms. Jarvis, who graduated from law school with $125,000 in student debt, also notes that there is no statute of limitations on collection for past-due student loan payments, and says she even knows of people who have had their Social Security checks garnished to repay them.

Conversely, she added, repaying student loans on time and in full would also help improve a borrower’s credit score.

Another way to lower student debt is to get the borrower’s family involved, though this comes with risks.

For example, Mr. Kantrowitz said, parents or grandparents could agree to take out a home equity loan and use the proceeds to pay off the student loan balances. The borrower would then repay the home equity loan, either to the parent or directly to the lender. Home equity loans usually have lower interest rates than student loans because the debt is secured, he said, adding that if the rate was at least two percentage points below the student loan rate, it could be worthwhile making the switch.

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